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Hamra uses Paradox's Conversational ATS to hire in 4 days.

How this franchisee of 200 restaurants accelerated their hiring by implementing AI automation throughout their TA process.
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With the hiring burden falling on restaurant managers’ shoulders, they didn’t have time to engage people in their restaurants, negatively affecting the employee and customer experience.

After two years of success with Conversational Scheduling, Hamra implemented Paradox's Conversational ATS to automate several key steps of the hiring process.

  • Hamra has scaled the automation across their their franchises, and now hires 10k people every year.
  • Fully-staffed restaurants lessen the stress that managers and employees have to deal with every day, leading to a better atmosphere and better service.


Reduction in time to hire.


interviews scheduled in 3 years.

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Every great hire starts with a conversation.

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