Future of Work
3 min read
January 5, 2023

What to consider in recruitment technology for 2023.

Budgets for 2023 are already built, so where can your resources be best spent for recruitment? Here's where to spend precious resources to build an automation-heavy tech stack.

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Recruitment technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and this isn’t stopping as we get ready for 2023. While we will see some industries go through “right sizing,” other industries will continue to grow. The U.S. demographic landscape hasn’t changed (and won’t any time soon); well into 2023 and beyond, we will have a surplus of jobs to fill.

At this point, most organizations have already built their budgets for next year. So the real question is: Where, and on what, should you spend your resources on in 2023? This is very dependent on your specific business situation, but for the purposes of this article, I’m going to assume you’re going to continue to hire at a normal cadence for 2023.

I’ve prioritized four critical functionalities of recruiting technology you should consider for 2023:

AI-driven Hiring 

There’s so much confusion in the industry about AI and automation in recruiting. First, almost every company will tell you they have “AI, which is meaningless without context about what the AI is actually doing. A modern recruiting stack should be grounded in automation that takes away tactical work a recruiter must do within your hiring process, potentially supported by AI that delivers on a core need, like smarter and faster matching.

In 2023, if your recruiters have to play the middle person to set up interviews between a candidate and a hiring manager, your technology is failing you. Scheduling automation can do that for you. If in 2023, you recruiters are spending exorbitant amounts of time manually searching databases of candidates with little help prioritizing, your technology is failing you. AI can do that for you 24/7, at a much better overall rate than humans.

Recruitment Marketing Automation

Oh, you mean CRM? No, I mean marketing automation. What’s the difference? You don’t necessarily need a CRM for marketing and campaign automation. Simply, marketing automation is about efficiently and effectively reaching out to prospective candidates in a very specific and personal way that encourages them to show interest. Marketing automation will show your recruiter which candidates are actually most interested in so they know who to go after first. 


Interview Intelligence

As hiring gets tighter in some industries and you hire fewer people, each hire you make needs to be great. You don’t have the luxury of hiring the wrong people and quickly backfilling. Interview intelligence technology adds rigor to your interviewing process, analyzes each interview, and delivers data-backed recommendations to help you make better hiring decisions.


The big question is: How do you layer personalization into an AI and automation-heavy stack that most modern TA functions are building? Technology should help you scale personalization, not take away from it. Can your recruiters easily send out a personal video to a candidate or new hire? Can an interviewee choose to talk to a real person at some point along your process? Are your recruiters getting nudges to follow up with a personal text message after a candidate interviews with a hiring manager? Are you reminding candidates of next steps throughout the process? Hyper-personalization makes candidates feel special and want to choose your job over another.

Candidates expect and demand immediate attention from your company and people, no matter when or where they apply for your job. The only way to scale to meet these expectations is through elevated automation that makes candidates feel like they are your top choice. Personalization at scale can only happen in two ways: a lot of humans or a lot of technology. 

Most talent acquisition functions don’t have the luxury of building out teams that can handle even their current req load at scale. Building out your tech stack is really the only answer to achieving your desired outcome: better experiences with less work for your team.

Written by
Tim Sackett
CEO of, Senior Faculty Member of the Josh Bersin Academy
Tim Sackett
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