Here's to a future where work is less about the stuff you hate, and more of the stuff you love.
We're on a mission to give everyone an assistant to get recruiting work done.
Create hiring experiences so simple and lightweight, candidates actually enjoy it.
Creating simple, fast high-volume hiring experiences that scale.
We believe TA practitioners should spend time with people, not software.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non deserunt mollit.
🎉 Paradox acquires people analytics platform Eqtble to advance our AI vision
How talent leaders leverage automation to do more with less.
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What does a CFO look for in a business case? Savings, price, disruption, timing. All and more factors that go into the pursuit or retreat of a new HR technology like an Applicant Tracking System. Here are 7 tips from a CFO on how to move your project along in 2023 with a sound business case.