Redesigning Recruitment Processes for Better Efficiency and Candidate Experience

May 2: Sydney  |  May 4: Melbourne

In today’s tight labour market, building a strong EVP and attracting more applicants is crucial, but it's not enough if your recruitment process is inefficient and cumbersome which leads to candidates dropping off along the way. Moreover, economic uncertainties are putting pressure on job advertising budgets. To address this challenge, TA leaders must streamline their recruitment processes, and enhance efficiency and conversion while creating a hiring experience that everyone loves.

Join Paradox's VP of Strategic Solutions, Eleanor Vajzovic, for a 2-hour workshop to:

  • Identify friction points in your current recruitment process that lead to candidate dropouts, wasted time, and ad spend
  • Explore the potential of recruitment automation to redesign and optimize the process
  • Draw inspiration from best-in-class workflows of leading organizations that have made major impacts on recruitment speed, conversion, and ROI 
  • Design a future state recruitment process that optimizes efficiency and enhances the hiring experience

After the workshop, you will have the tools to revamp your recruitment process and create a candidate journey with next-gen conversational recruitment technology.

RSVP today


  • 09:30 - 10:00
    Registration & Morning Coffee
  • 10:00 - 10:20
    Changing the Hiring Game: How to use automation to create a faster and consumer-grade hiring experience
  • 10:20 - 10:45
    Candidate journey mapping: identify friction points in the current hiring process
  • 10:45 - 11:00
    Coffee Break
  • 11:00 - 11:30
    The art of the possible: Examples of the best-in-class workflows from leading organizations that address the hiring challenges and frictions
  • 11:30 - 12:00
    Design the future state hiring process
  • 12:00 - 13:00
    Networking Lunch

About Eleanor Vajzovic:

Eleanor is an industry expert at the forefront of the talent acquisition technology revolution. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Eleanor began her career with the world's largest HR solutions company in 2006, spearheading multiple digital transformation initiatives. She has spent the last eight years assessing, building, and investing in the most exciting HR technology tools and emerging businesses in the market. Eleanor's love for combining the best people with the best technology solutions continues to grow and evolve. In her current role as Head of Strategic Solutions at Paradox, Eleanor collaborates with Fortune 500 companies to help define their talent roadmaps and drive greater transformation through the implementation of Paradox. Her passion for disrupting traditional models by bringing the best technology solutions to the market has made her widely recognized as an expert in the field.

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