Talent Acquisition
3 min read
September 18, 2024

When it comes to your recruiting CRM, you don’t need more features. You just need the right ones.

We have a groundbreaking suggestion when it comes to recruiting CRMs: less.

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Since the first salesperson sold the first sale, we’ve been tricked into thinking that more is better. More features, more functionality, more stuff, more things. “But wait, there’s more! they always say. More, more, more. 

But honestly, I’m sick of more. We’re sick of more. And if you’ve ever used a recruiting CRM, you probably are, too.

Traditional candidate relationship managers are rife with more — they’re like giant toolboxes overflowing with hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches of all shapes and sizes. Sure, the thing you need to fix your problem is probably in there somewhere, but you’ll be damned if you know where to find it. And that’s the rub with most CRMs: they’re cumbersome, complicated, and usually more trouble than they’re worth. Put tons of time and energy in, get very little out.

Not any more (pun intended). 

We have a groundbreaking suggestion when it comes to CRMs: less.

As CRM vendors continue to tack on features to increase product usage, Paradox is doing the opposite. We’re thoughtfully removing features because we believe the key to unlocking recruiting success lies not in more features, but in strategic reduction and focused intent. The result is a CRM that is simpler to use, easier to adopt, and actually gets work done for you by automating the tasks that other CRMs require you to go in and manually do. 

So there isn’t necessarily less to the CRM, but there is far less for your teams to manage and think about. We don’t want recruiters toiling away in UI and wasting their time and resources. We want them, you know, recruiting. And that’s only possible if the CRM does more work with less lift.

Less, less, less. Here’s more on that:

Less, less, less. Here’s more on that:

Building a CRM for maximum efficiency. 

Let’s get this out of the way: We never actually wanted to make a CRM, because they’re the antithesis of what we believe a good recruiting process should be. In fact, Paradox was founded to be a better alternative to traditional hiring systems — to make software invisible and automate the recruiting process through conversations. 

So why enter this market?

Well, we realized that many employers were going to continue to use CRMs regardless of how much value they’re getting out of them; at this point, they’re just so inextricably rooted into tech stacks that it’s hard to rip them out of the process fully. And we figured that if nobody else was going to make a CRM that actually made recruiting easier, we’d have to do it ourselves. 

So yes, we built a CRM. But it’s also not really a CRM in the traditional sense. Instead, it’s a whole lot of the candidate relationship part, without much of the management. The CR without the M, if you will.  

OK, there actually is plenty of management, it’s just not handled by the recruiters. Instead, AI automates most of the experience. This translates to a streamlined experience for both recruiters and candidates. Our CRM ditches complex interfaces for natural conversations via text, chat, or email, and AI conversational AI operates as a 24/7 assistant, handling repetitive tasks like scheduling, feedback, and administrative burdens. 

Recruiters can also launch targeted campaigns across multiple channels, including SMS, email, nurture and engage with potential hires through relevant content and targeted job postings, and even integrate with Paradox career sites to ensure a smooth transition from initial interest to application. 

You might be thinking … wait, that still feels like a lot of stuff. What happened to less? 

Yes, there’s a pretty robust suite of things in play, but it’s very little lift from the recruiter’s standpoint. AI does more, recruiters do less, and candidates get the best of both worlds: a streamlined, easy experience that also feels personalized and comprehensive when it needs to be.

See for yourself

The biggest pain point of a recruiting CRM is adoption. But what if you had an assistant supporting your team at every step?

Put less into your CRM, get more out. 

By prioritizing efficiency, Paradox unlocks a trifecta of benefits for everyone involved in the recruiting process. 

First, it translates to faster hires. By eliminating unnecessary friction and streamlining communication, the right talent gets matched with the right opportunity at the right time. Second, this focus on a smooth candidate experience keeps top talent engaged throughout the journey. Finally, empowered recruiters are freed from data entry and software struggles, allowing them to focus on what truly matters: engaging candidates and making informed hiring decisions.

Look, we’ve seen the frustration of CRMs firsthand. Many of us at Paradox have used them, sold them, or built them over the years. Recruiters are drowning in complex software, struggling with technology instead of engaging candidates. Enough is enough.

No more clunky interfaces, recruiter frustration, or candidate confusion. It’s time you actually got out what you put into your CRM. 

Say yes to less. 

Written by
Steve Parker
VP of Product
Steve Parker
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