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As a manufacturing company of 45 locations and 3000+ employees, Pacific Seafood was operating a single recruiter. Paired with a limited tech stack, the organization was struggling to keep up on hiring goals and staying ahead of administrative work.

While visiting a Great Wolf Lodge Pacific Seafood's Director of TA, Cameron Pickett, came across a conversational AI hiring assistant on their website. Lightbulbs went off. Cameron pushed the organization to implement their very own conversational AI to provide much needed hiring support.

Pacific Seafood reduced applicant drop-off with the chat and the text to apply features and saw:

  • Significant time savings by reducing the amount of basic questions that recruiters needed to manually answer.
  • Candidates moved along in the hiring process swiftly with the help of conversational AI.


increase in applicant activity.

Read the full case study below.
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Every great hire starts with a conversation.

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