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Cutting costs by 90% with automated mobile hiring.

Koch Trucking teamed up with Paradox to transform its talent experience, leveraging Olivia to reach candidates on mobile devices and answer questions 24/7.
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The trucking industry sees significantly more demand for drivers than there is supply. As the competition and cost for qualified talent only increases, Koch Trucking saw themselves falling behind in their staffing needs.

Koch Trucking leveraged an AI recruiting assistant, Olivia, to reach candidates on their phones, answer questions about Koch’s culture, and shorten response times for qualified talent.

  • With Olivia being available 24/7, candidates can chat with her when it’s convenient for them and get scheduled for interviews in periods outside of normal business hours.
  • For Koch Trucking, candidate drop-off rates, and cost per applicant have never been lower.


cost per applicant using conversational AI.


reduction in cost per hire.

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Every great hire starts with a conversation.

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